Allows you to charge extra fees in cart, based on the combination of multiple conditional rules that you configure. The plugin is for store owners - you can set up conditional rules where product fees will be added to the Cart based on what is in the cart, who is buying it,what is cart quantity / weight , which coupon used or where the products are being shipped. Conditional product fees for checkout is designed to allow you to charge extra fees for particular product, product category, tag, cart total, cart quantity, weight and user role. It’s great for adding extra fees throughout your store products:
- when users add specific quantities of items to their cart
- when products are in a certain category
- when products have certain price ranges
- when particular items are bought and many many more conditions you can think as per your needs.
It is a valuable tool for store owners for creating and managing complex fee rules in their store without the help of a developer! Key features 1. More than 14 Conditional fees rules Location Specific
- Country
- State
- Postcode
- Zone
Product Specific
- Product
- Category
- Tag
User Specific
- User
- User Role
Cart Specific
- Cart Total
- Quantity
- Weight
- Coupon
- Shipping class
2. Additional parameters such as <,>,>=,<= available for cart total, quantity, weight
3. Fees can be set globally in the store.
4. Fees can be set fixed amount ($5) or percentage (5%)
5. Set Multiple conditions for extra fees
6. Easy labeling of fees for reference
7. Schedule fees for particular time period
8. Fees are visible in the Cart, Checkout, Thank You page, and Order email
USE CASES 1. Add a conditional fee for a geographic area like country, state, postcode, zone. E.g. If you want to charge extra fees to customers who want shipping to Alaska state of USA, you can add $20 as a conditional fee.
2. Add a conditional fee when a specific user/ user role buys any product. E.g. If you want to charge extra fees to all customers who have basic customer role and who are not Admin or Vendor or Premium customer, you can add $10 as a conditional fee for Customer role only.
3. Add a conditional fee for several store categories, product and tags. E.g. If you want to charge extra fees for all products which are in the Shoes category, you can add $15 as a conditional fee for Shoes category. In the same manner you can charge extra fees for a particular products or all product with a specific tag as well.
4. Add a conditional fee based on cart total, total weight of products or total quantity of products in cart. E.g. If you want to charge $20 when customer adds 1 to 9 pieces of product in cart, and $5 when he adds 10 or more pieces, you can create 2 rules to configure this scenario.
Important links
Version 1.1.2 – 17 March 2017 - Fixed Bugs Version 1.1.1 – 07 March 2017 - Fixed bugs Version 1.1 – 24 Feb 2017 - New Parameter: Add extra fee when user selects a particular payment gateway - New Parameter: Add extra fee when user selects a particular shipping method - New Parameter: Add extra fee on cart subtotal before discount or after discount - If extra fee is applied in percentage when a particular product is in cart, percentage will be calculated on product total only, and not on cart total - Extra Fees list: Added sort function and reorder functionality (drag and drop to reorder) - Bug fixes