
Live HTML CSS JavaScript Code Editor for Real-Time Web Development

# Live Code Editor

The Live Code Editor is a powerful web-based tool that allows you to write and run HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code in real-time. It provides a seamless coding experience, enabling you to see the output of your code instantly without the need for a separate editor or browser.

## Key Features

- **HTML, CSS, JavaScript Support**: Write, edit, and execute HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code all in one place.

- **Live Preview**: See the results of your code instantly with a live preview in the output panel.

- **Real-Time Updates**: As you make changes to your code, the output is automatically updated.

- **Syntax Highlighting**: Enjoy syntax highlighting for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to enhance code readability.

- **Responsive Design**: The editor is designed to work seamlessly on desktop and mobile devices.

## Usage

1. Enter your HTML code in the HTML editor.

2. Add CSS styling in the CSS editor.

3. Write JavaScript code in the JavaScript editor.

4. The output panel will display the live preview of your code.

## Installation

No installation or setup is required. Simply open the Live Code Editor in your web browser and start coding!

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