OLIO is a One-Page portfolio HTML template especially for freelancers, used most popular design with HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery and bootstrap, easy to customize. Friendly in Code Structures. All of it's source files contain commented, indented, clean and 100% W3C validate codes, such as:
- 100% W3C validated code.
- Friendly, commented, clean code stuctures
- Ultra-responsive layout to fit any device
- 6 Amazing predefined colors.
- Parallax effect
- Touch-sweap enabled carousel
- Scroll-based CSS Animations
- Font-awesome 4.3 with 515+ icons
- Bootstrap 3.3.4 framework
- Google Fonts and more...
- Documentation for easy to customize.
Sources and Credits
Plugins & Frameworks:
- jQuery v-1.11.2 - A javascript library.
- Twitter Bootstrap v-3.3.4 - The most popular responsive framework.
- Stellar JS - Plugin for parallax scrolling effect by Mark Dalgleish.
- Backstretch - Awesome Plugin for background slider by Scott Robbin.
- LiteBox v1.3 - Nice plugin for Gallery Lightbox by Joe Mottershaw.
- jquery-plugin-circliful - Helpfull plugin for Circular Progress by Patric Gutersohn.
- jQuery countTo Plugin - Awesome Count To plugin by Matt Huggins.
- https://github.com/ded/bonzo">classie - class helper functions - Awesome class helper functions by bonzo.
- Animate.css - Awesome CSS animation library by Daniel Eden.
- Font-awesome v-4.3.0 - The most popular icon font including about 519 awesome icons.
Other credits:
- Fonts: Source Sans Pro for body fonts & Raleway for Headings.
- Images: All images used in theme are Licensed Free, collected from Pixabay.
Images are used only in demo preview and not included with the main downloadable file.
Appreciated on April 30th, 2015