“Social Ajax Poll” is a web application which is written using PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript and AJAX. This script is used for creating, managing and embedding your polls. To protect the result of voting poll, this script suggests two ways: voting by IP address (one IP address can only vote once) and voting by user’s account of website (one user can only vote once). To see what script can do, view below its features:
- Create your poll and embed on any website for voting
- Support loads multiple polls on the same page.
- Create unlimited polls, unlimited answers.
- Support choosing multiple answers when voting.
- Support sharing your poll to popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest.
- Support admin panel, you can manage polls (create, update, delete, view, search, statistic polls) , manage users (create, update ,delete ,view, search)
- Secure poll with IP restriction or User's account restriction (User can only vote one time based on his/her IP address or his/her account on website run this poll script).
- Support multiple browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera and IE6+
- Support embedded Youtube video link when create a poll.
- Frontend: http://hungnguyenvina.com/poll
- Backend:
URL: http://hungnguyenvina.com/poll/admin/pollmanagement.php
Username: admin
Password: admin
Appreciated on February 10th, 2015