Mobile Repairer Software, HRM, CRM
Mobile, Laptop & Computer Repair Software
I have developed this repairer software using php codeigniter framework, javaScript/jQuery and bootstrap.It is developed for Mobile repairer shop, Laptop repairer shop and many more. By using this software you can make the record of any accessory which you want to repair your client, also you can make the inventory of accessories like new mobile, repaired mobile, laptop, charger, televison etc. More Advanced, powerful, flexible complete management software for repair shops with timeclock, commisions, payroll and complete inventory management. It has powerful reporting features. You and your clients can keep track of repair status and invoices.
Link of Live Software:
password: admin123
1.Enhanced Dashboard
2.General setting(System Customization)
3.Client/User Management
4.Inventory/Stock: Repair parts, Used phones, laptops etc
5.Accessories, Plans, Counts/Transfer Stock
6.Purchases/Accounts Management
7.Taxes, Models, Categories etc.
8.HRM, Time Clock, Payroll
9.Notification, MEID Converter, Emailer
10.Activity, Category, Warranty, Plan Report
11.Export to XLS & PDF, lots standard reports
12.Enhanced Point of sales module(POS)
PHP >= 5.6+ (and PHP 7.x)
Steps for Local Server:
1:->Extract Source code
2:->Copy source code to your wamp or xampp/htdocs folder
3:->create database in mysql and import database which is in "db file" folder
4:->Go to main directory of source code then application->config->database.php open and set hostname, username, password and database
5:->Go to main directory of source code then application->config->config.php open and set $config['base_url'] = 'localhost/repairer/'; on line no 21; if your source code folder is repairer in htdocs
6:->Ready to go
Steps for live server:
1:->Extract Source code
2:->Copy source code to live server(file manager) through filezila or cpanel
3:->create database in mysql and import database which is in "db file" folder
4:->Go to main directory of source code then application->config->database.php open and set hostname, username, password and database
5:->Go to main directory of source code then application->config->config.php open and set $config['base_url'] = ''; on line no 21; set your domain name in my case it is "" if your domain is "" then place it in that variable.
6:->Ready to go
Note: If you have any difficulty to install or deploy it online please feel free to contact with me through my email->