- 24 organized .PSD files
- 6 Homepage
- Based on 1170px grid system -
- Easy to customize
- WordPress compitable sidebar widgets
- Bootstrap compitable design
File structure:
- HomePage.psd
- HomePage2.psd
- HomePage3.psd
- HomePage4.psd
- HomePage5.psd
- HomePage6.psd
- Product-detail-full.psd
- Product-detail-Left.psd
- Product-full.psd
- Product-List.psd
- Product-List-2.psd
- Login.psd
- Register.psd
- Successfully.psd
- Wish-List.psd
- 404.psd
- Blog.psd
- Blog-Detail.psd
- Cart.psd
- Cart-Details.psd
- Check-Out.psd
- Contacts.psd
- Menu-Detail.psd
- Popup.psd
- Font Awesome
- Flaticon.com
- Google fonts
Note: All images are just used for Preview Purpose Only. They are not part of the theme and NOT included in the final purchase files.
Appreciated on August 6th, 2015