X Currency Rate Template is an Eclipse project. This application lets you to create a Nice app for the World wide currency rate. This app is a online viewing for your android device.The application is packed with admob & startapp ads integrated to start making money right away.
App Features:
If you want to integration with other ADS network, Please contact with us.
- Easy to customize
- Used Free Yahoo API
- Use android 4+ onward.
- Optimized Lollipop version
- Calculate currency rate between two country.
- Currency Historical chart.
- About & help.
- Stylish Wheelview
- Latest Startapp SDK integrated with banner & interstitial ads
- Latest Admob (play service)integrated with banner & interstitial ads
- Exclusive Splash screen.
- Fit to any device (Mobile & Tablet)
- & More...
- We are currently working with bellow ADS networks:
- AirPush
- MobileCore
- RevMob
Version: 1.0 (Current Version)
- Flag Images ( Collected from internet as google & deviantart)
- Library Used: WheelView Library- You can found it on Here (We have used it by customize as per need our app)
"RATE US"- If you Like it, "SHARE"- If you Buy it. Enjoy!!!
Appreciated on December 20th, 2015