Square is a responsive admin theme built using Bootstrap 3 and Jquery Plugins. It is cleaned, customizable code and easy to use. Customize your admin theme as much as you want, you have tons of layout possibilities with unlimited variations and colors. The template comes with 50+ HTML pages built using Bootstrap 3.
- Dashboard Page
- Responsive Mailbox
- Pages:
- Profile
- Activity
- Timeline
- Invoice
- Pricing Tables
- Login
- Register
- Lockscreen
- Recover Password
- 404
- 500
- UI Elements
- Form:
- Wizard
- Validation
- Dropzone
- Editor
- X-Editable
- Responsive & Advanced Tables
- Visual Chart
- Widgets
- Gallery Isotope
- Calendar
- Maps
- Fonts:
- Font Awesome
- Weather Icons
- Glypicons
Appreciated on May 3rd, 2015