SOQOL is a creative, Well coded and responsive HTML5 personal Portfolio template. It is designed for web developers, designer and so on. It is built with using modern technologies like HTML5, CSS3, bootstrap and jQuery. All the codes are clean and well organized. 100% responsive, mobile friendly and supports all browsers. It has good documentation. Built with SEO friendly.
- One Page Template
- Well Documentation
- SEO Friendly HTML Code
- Full Responsive and Mobile friendly
- Cross browser compatible
- Easy to customize
- Google Fonts
- Font Awesome Icon
- Bootstrap V 3.3.7
- Owl carousel
- 24/7 Friendly support
Incuded Scripts And Plugins
- Bootstrap Framwork
- CSS & CSS3
- SmoothScroll
- Isotop with Masonr
- Magnific-Popup For Portfolio Image Gallery
- Bootstrap Carusel Slider
- Font Awsome icons
AboutMe - Personal Portfolio CMS
Also you can get PHP version of SOQOL, AboutMe CMS for personal portfolio script.
Appreciated on May 20th, 2017