Smart Library Management System is a laravel web application.This project was build keeping in mind to ease the librarian job of issuing and managing books in the system.
Technology used in Development Environment
- Php 7.3+ [Important] [Make sure your godaddy or any hosting has php 7.3 +]
- MySql 5.7+
- Laravel 8
- Livewire 2
- User Registeration with option to upload Proof/Profile Image
- Integrate Paypal payment for fine collection
- Role Management
- User Book Checkout
- Book Issue
- Book Return
- Auto FIlling of Book Details on creation via ISBN
- Book Edit/update
- Amazon API integration which can create affliate link in book preview
- Book Category ,Author and Tag creataion
- Powerful book search functionality
- Notes management for teachers
- Id card Printing
- Reports
- Front Page to Display Books and its current status to users.
- Barcode issuing of books [Kindly do test the feature with your barcode]
Appreciated on April 18th, 2021