Resume HTML5 Responsive Theme is built in with the latest technologies i.e HTML5 , CSS3 and Bootstrap.This theme is suitable for using it as a vcard, small personal portfolios, photographers, wedding journals etcThis theme has an eye catching professional design , it is developed as a resume however you can use it for any purpose.Skill bars are added in the second section of this theme along with the 3D effect of images.An incredible portfolio section is present beneath the skill bars.Moreover Contact Form along with map is present in this theme.Ranging from colors this theme also has some creative animation effects.
- Professional HTML5 SEO Ready Theme.
- Resume / CV Style
- One Page Scroll Theme
- 3D image effects
- Sliding Animation effects
- Eye Catching Design
- 100% Responsive layout
- Filterable Portfolio
- Minimalist design HTML5 and CSS standards compliant
- Well Support and Documentation
Appreciated on October 20th, 2014