PHP Scripts

PHP Easy Lock - Add Password On Your Page


Ever wanted to block the access of users on a certain page, but didn't find a good code for that? Well this is it! All you need is inside one file, and is being run from one single line of code...


  • No installation, no configuration, no database needed
  • Everything is inside a single file
  • Very easy to use. For basic usage you only need 1 line of code
  • Fully Responsive and brand new design. Works perfect on mobiles, tablets, laptops and desktops
  • 3 skins( + other 4 that come as a bonus) to choose from
  • For higher functional demands, there are lots of functionalities, like md5 encryption, IP blocking, limiting number of attempts etc.
  • Running very fast ~0.0044477 seconds (4 milliseconds)

Simple examples of usage

<!--?php include'easy-lock.php'; lock("pass123"); ?-->

This code will lock the page with the password "pass123"

<!--?php include'easy-lock.php'; lock("pass123", 3); ?-->

This code will lock the page with the password "pass123" and will show the skin 3

Using the md5 mode:

    $options = array(
        "md5" =--> true
    lock("81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055", 1, $options);

This code will lock the page with the password "1234", as the "81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055" is the md5 encryption for "1234";

Few screenshots

Skins 3 on wide screen

Skins 5 and 7 on tab and on mobile

Skins 2 and 3 on mobile

Skins 4 and 5 on mobile

Skins 1 and 6 on mobile


Check out some demos here:
Version: 1.1
Ticket support:
Upcoming skins and features in the near future...

Appreciated on June 22nd, 2017
by in