The first very easy and auto private survey forms generation system built in responsive bootstrap framework with jquery and ajax implemented features for smooth functionality with very great easy features like you can add,edit and delete client accounts and can assign pre generated forms to them for submission,you can generate your own survey forms just by some clicks and can delete forms,you can assign invoice to clients too with paypal and skrill payment integrated system plus with 3 types of form submission methods as form submission with auto docx generation and will be emailed to you,with custom designed docx file template and docx file will be generated on submission and will be emailed to you,and with form to email i.e form questions will be posted in simple email and will be emailed to you with no docx generation.
You don't need to worry about it's working process everything is well described in the documentation,you will get documentation files on purchase.
Still then our Support is here for you to help you install the script and will help you every possible way to workout and let you know the system as best as possible.
It is stated that small custom features will be integrated for free upon script purchase to promote our product,besides for great features implementation a fair price will be charged,contact us at our support email or at skype for custom features implementation or to help you solve out your issue if you are facing one please.
Documentation Link:
Features included:
- Responsive design
- Ajax powered (no page reloads in some pages). Save your bandwidth!
- Uses Javascript jQuery Fade transition
- All fields have a validation script so you get the * required info you need
- Integrated Ajax Javascript Error notification , if fields aren't correct or incomplete
- Uses standard PHP server features for a no-extra installation (phpMailer & PHPWord)
- Documentation file is included
Simple Uses:
- It's very effective for a lawyer as he/she can handle his/her sensitive questions and their answers for a respective case submission by his/her clients and then he/she can charge him/her submission through invoice plus choice is also there for no invoice.
- It's very effective for a private surveyer who want to survey specific people and with invoice choice for each person.
Server Requirements:
Supports PHP5.X & MySQL 5.X .
Can be tweaked/modified once purchased if you know the PHP language.
Does not require and CGI includes, everything functions within one config PHP file.
Additional Important Things:
- We are open to any type of Ideas to implement in script to meet your needs upon purchase only,for great features a small portion of a fair price will be charged.
So what are you waiting for,Go forward and click on Purchase button to buy this awesome simple script to make your survey work easy.!