
Multi-purpose Cards Slider

See this video for how to use the sldier :


I updated the function but I don't know if it is applied or not so please check at the end of cardsSlider.js file that the window.onresize function contains the following:-

setTimeout(() => { document.querySelectorAll(".cards-container").forEach(cardsContainer=>{ makeAnimation(cardsContainer) }) }, 600); 


This slider is a beautiful and responsive script that will make your website stand out. It’s easy to use and consists of CSS and JS files that you can easily add to your project. Once you’ve added the files, you can call the cardsSlider() function and pass in the element CSS selector that will contain the slider, as well as the HTML content for each card as an array of strings. The function will then create the cards and add next and previous buttons to slide between them with animation. You can also slide by clicking on another card to make it the previewed one.

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