Mobile Apps

Meeting Monitor - Android Source Code

Meeting Monitor is an Android app that gives power to meeting chairman to silence and lock screens of all meeting participants’ android smartphones using his/her smartphone.


  • Meeting Monitor app works following procedures below:
  • Chairman creates meeting by entering Meeting name and meeting time(how long meeting will take)
  • Chairman shares meeting link to participants through any channel of choice (SMS, WhatsApp, email, social media etc.)
  • Participants join using meeting link from chairman
  • Meeting Monitor App Locks participants phone screen and puts it in vibration mode
  • If Participant tries to unlock screen Meeting Monitor Locks Screen again and Notifies Chairman by Updating Participants number of screen openings on participants list
  • If participant reboots his/her phone while in meeting mode, after reboot Meeting Monitor App will lock participants screen
  • Chairman can remove specific participant from participants list, which will allow participant to access his/her phone
  • Chairman can end meeting which will allow all participants to access their phones and end meeting session in their phones


The following are basic requirements needed for Meeting Monitor App:

Follow this documentation on how to customize.

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