iOS Filters Camera App with AdMob + UI Kits ready to be published.
- All the PNG and PSD files included in the package can to be used to reskin and distribute your App in the AppStore.
- The Admob Banner is ready to be used: simply insert your own ad unit id and the banner is ready.
- Compatible with iPhone 5, 5C, 5S, SE, 6, 6 Plus, 6S, 6S Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 8, 8 Plus, X, XR, XS XS Max.
- It's very easy to reskin or modify.
- High resolution files in PNG format (@2x and @3x) and PSD files easy to be used or modified.
- AutoAdjust FIlter
- Language: SWIFT 4.2
- Compatible with iOS 10.x, 11.x, 12.x.
Filters List:
Ready to use
- AutoAdjust
- Instant
- Noir
- EffectTonal
- EffectTransfer
- EffectMono
- EffectFade
- EffectProcess
- EffectChrome
- Monochrome
- Posterize
Ready to replace or add
- ToneCurveToLinear
- ColorInvert
- FalseColor
- SepiaTone
- ComicEffect
- HexagonalPixellate
- Pixellate
- SpotLight
- Edges
- LineOverlay
- SpotColor
- CircularScreen
- CMYKHalftone
- DotScreen
- ToneCurveToLinear
Files Included:
- PSD files
- PNG files
- AdMob framework
- Icon files
- Launchscreen files
- Storyboard file
- PDF instructions files
- Created with Xcode Version 10.1 (10B61)
- AutoAdjust Filter Button
- Share Button
- Filters Button
- Original Image Button
- Load from Gallery or Shoot with Camera Button