DISCLAIMER: This application uses a third party API service, namely the Open AI API and we do not provide an API key. Therefore, you need to generate your own API key on the Open AI website (https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys)
This application can be used by users to chat with bots and is powered by API from Open AI so the results will be the same as the capabilities of ChatGPT.
Having an attractive appearance and animation will make users feel at home using this application, so that earnings from ads will also increase.
Please try this application first
Feature :
- Built using the latest version of Flutter
- Firebase Remote Config for realtime config updates
- History page to save old user conversations
- Drawer menu animation
- Supports 4 Ad Networks: Admob, FAN (Facebook Ads), Applovin, and Unity Ads
- Very detailed documentation
Appreciated on January 15th, 2024