Elysium is probably the cleanest and powerful template for introducing your project. Versatile in all the ways, Elysium can be used for every creative people, corporates, agency, e-commerce, business and portfolio. Get an important advantage with a very smart page.
Elysium has been built with the Bootstrap Framework. Responsive on every screens from phone to TV, easy to customize, HTML5 verified 100% by the W3C, CSS3, SASS and Mailchimp.
Features Included:
- Fully Responsive Design
- Advanced design powered by Bootstrap
- 3 Background Styles (Image, Slideshow, Video)
- 6 predefined Color Skins
- Modal with Newsletter Form
- Working PHP Contact Form
- JavaScript Countdown Timer
- CSS3 Animations
- Mailchimp integrated
- Font Awesome & IonIcons
- Easy to Customize
- Help file is included
Appreciated on January 1st, 2019