BlogBook is a responsive personal blog template. It is light weight and easy to use for it's simplicity and unique design. It is really easy to customize for its clean and well documented coding structure. It includes two different home pages with standard and masonry post gird. It also includes 5 different post page format (Image/quote/gallery/audio/video).
Main Features
- 100% Responsive.
- Unique, Creative and Flat UI Design.
- Standred and Masonry Post Grid For Home Page.
- 5 Different POst Format (Image/Quote/Gallery/Audio/Video).
- Latest Bootstrap Framework.
- Highly Optimized.
- Google Web Fonts.
- Owl Carousel.
- Font Awesome Icon
- Cross Browser Supported.
- Clean Coding.
- Documentation Files Included.
** Image Credit: PIXABAY.COM