Introducing ADgari as a form of outdoor advertising service, also commonly known as moving billboard.
Promote ads, banners or products nationally or internationally. If you have a transportation business that runs a good number of vehicles, you can hop in this business too. From start-up businesses to large brands, you can grow yours or others' market in a very short period of time. And our software will help you to monitor and analyze improvements throughout the process.
Our software is able to provide-
- True proximity
- Coverage at the vehicle’s physical locations
- Parametric Analysis
- Geofencing
- Shadowfencing
It also showcases all your real time reports & progress charts. You can put your client’s interest at top to expand their business vastly.
Demo Login
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pass: 12345678
pass: 12345678
App Demo
pass: 12345678
main Features
Admin Panel
- Dashboard
- Drivers
- Add Driver
- Driver List
- View Driver Profile
- Delete Driver
- Clients
- Add Client
- Client Lists
- Client View
- Delete Client
- Make Payment
- Vehicles
- Vehicle Types
- Add vehicle type
- Vehicle Type List
- Vehicle List
- Vehicle Types
- Stricker Settings
- Strickers
- Stricker Add
- Stricker Filter by Client and Date
- Stricker List
- Stricker Edit
- Stricker Assign
- Delete
- Assign Stricker
- Assign Stricker
- Assigned Strikcer List
- Edit Assigned Strikcer
- Strickers
- Stricker Sides
- Stricker Sides
- Add Stricker Side
- Filter Sticker Side by Vehicle Type and Date
- Stricker Side List
- Delete
- Edit
- Stricker Sides
- Feedbacks
- Feedbacks
- Add Feedback
- Feedback List
- Edit
- Delete
- Feedbacks
- Price Quotation
- Client Quotation
- Add Quotation
- Quotation List
- Client Quotation
- Users
- Supplier Lists
- Add Supplier
- Supplier List
- Employee Lists
- Add Employee
- Employee List
- User List
- Add New User
- Filter User by user type and date
- User list
- Edit Delete
- Supplier Lists
- Accounts
- Income/Expense Category
- Add Category
- Category List
- Edit
- Delete
- Income/Expense Lits
- Add Income/Expense
- Filter Income/Expense by date
- Income/Expense List
- Edit
- Delete
- Client Payments
- Filter Payments by Client name and Date
- Payment List
- Driver Payments
- Filter Payments by Driver name and Date
- Payment List
- Income/Expense Category
- Reports
- Client Payment
- Filter By Client and Date
- Payment List
- Driver Payment
- Filter By Driver and Date
- Payment List
- Income Report
- Filter By Client and Date
- Report List
- Expense Report
- Filter By Driver and Date
- Report List
- Account Statement
- Filter By date
- Statement Report
- Client Payment
- Language Changes
- Language Inputs For Bengali
- Language Intpus for English
- Rule & Permission
- Rule & Permission List
- Setting Permission
- Settings
- General Settings
- Email Setup
- Rule & Permission List
- Form Information
- Leading Contacts
- Filter by Date
- Contact List
- Newsletter emails
- Filter by Date
- Newsletter List
- Campaign Information
- Filter by Date
- Campaign List
- Contact Information
- Filter by Date
- Campaign List
- Leading Contacts
- Image Manager
- Images
- Section wise image upload
- Partners
- Add Partner
- Partner List
- Delete
- Edit
- Images
- Website SEO
- Meta Information
- Top Search Bar
- Lanuage Changes
- Admin Profile
Driver Panel
- Dashboard
- Vehicle List
- Filter By Driver name and Date
- Driver Driving History
- Map
- Vehicle List
- Payment
- Filter By Date
- Payment List
- Settings
- General Information
- Agreement Information
- Change Password
Client Panel
- Dashboard
- Reports
- Filter By Vehicle and Date
- Driving History
- Map
- Sticker List
- Filter by Date
- Live Tracking
- Payment
- Filter By Date
- Payment List
- Settings
- General Information
- Agreement Information
- Change Password