I was trying to upload a Resume, but when I go to upload form, there is no Upload button for upload files.
Please check this issue & tell me what to do.
A. Rob
I was trying to upload a Resume, but when I go to upload form, there is no Upload button for upload files.
Please check this issue & tell me what to do.
A. Rob
Please, install Adobe Flash Player.
flashblue said
Please, install Adobe Flash Player.
Thank you for reply. It's working now & I already uploaded my items.
Please take a look & inform me if I miss anything.
Thank you.
Hi, I'm new in codegrape, I'm trying to upload a business card but it doesn't work. after even uploading every file when I press the upload button it ask for the thumbnail and main file. I tried this several times but situation is till the same.. can you please help me about this.
"Adobe Flash Player" is needed to use upload form.
I have flash player in my pc and it's latest version. I can even browse my file and they got saved but after click on the final upload button every time it ask me for the thumbnail & main files. I have checked all my files the format and size everything is ok. But after all it's not taking my files,I've tried a several time by changing the file name but failed..